My neighbor

An often used source of misinformation about me is my neighbor. Unfortunately, she thinks I walk on her roof late at night, send sonic waves into her home (again, late at night,) and commit other general misdeeds. She has not been shy about communicating these absolutely untrue events to her fellow homeowners.

For example, at the Meet and Greet held Wednesday, February 3, in the clubhouse pool area, she stated that I get on her roof at night. Her most recent complaint (see report below) was that I keyed her car. When the police investigated, they found no evidence her car was keyed. Moreover, at the time of this event, I was over 1000 miles away from Village Townhomes. Even when I informed her, and the other attendees, that I was over 1000 miles away at the time her car was supposedly damaged, she insisted that I did it, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

She also asked, in front of all attendees, why I run away from her when she approaches me. I explained to her that my attorney and the police advised me to do so. The recording in the video below is an example of what happens if I do not move fast enough.