DBPR Complaints

At the January 27th Board of Directors meeting, Debbie Hillman, the wife of the association president, stated that two complaints were filed with the DBPR. (I filed those complaints.) She made remarks such as, "There's always somebody that wants to take us down." What Mrs. Hillman neglected to disclose, was that she had filed a complaint in 2018 when I was a board member.

The DBPR found my first complaint to be valid. At this time the DBPR has found my second complaint to be valid. On the other hand, the DBPR found that no violation occurred regarding Mrs. Hillman's complaint.

Below is the allegation letter for Mrs. Hillman's (Bender) complaint. The letter clearing the association of any violation regarding the complaint follows.


Allegation letter: page 1 of 2

Allegation letter: page 2 of 2

Letter containing the DBPR's Division of Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes findings.